Who to contact

Minnesota MUFON Contacts are:

1- Dick Moss- 320-732-3205

2- Bob Schultz- 612-633-1248 Send E-Mail

3- Lynn Bell- 612-645-9576 Send E-Mail

4- Craig Lang- 612-560-1532 Send E-Mail

5- Bill McNeff- 612-890-1390 Send E-Mail

6- Joel Henry- 612-431-2426 Send E-Mail

7- National UFO Reporting Line- 1-800-836-2166 (leave phone # and short message)

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NOTICE: For all reports, data, etc. submitted: Anonymity will be preserved where requested.

To submit UFO, Abduction, Crop Circle, or Cattle Mutilation reports for inclusion here, E-Mail: jhenry@wavefront.com But please read Making a Report first. Thanks.

This html was written by Joel Henry. Any problems send E-mail to above.